Polykarboksyylihappo Superplastifikaattori

Hydroksipropyylimetyyliselluloosa (HPMC)

Uudelleen dispergoituva polymeerijauhe (RDP, VAE)

Vesiliukoinen PVA-kuitu

PVA 1099

PVA 1099 is a water soluble and biodegradable synthetic polymer. It is a dry solid, and is available in granule and powdered forms. Grades include both fully hydrolyzed and partially hydrolyzed. PVA is an excellent adhesive with superior bonding strength, film forming and emulsifying properties. The film of PVA exhibits outstanding resistance to oil, grease and solvents. In addition to its film forming property, it has excellent adhesion to both hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials. PVA has been extensively used in textile industry for warp sizing and resin finishing; in paper industry for surface sizing and pigment coating; in the production of PVAc emulsion as protective colloid; in the suspension polymerization of PVC as a dispersion agent; as binder for ceramics, magnet, foundry cores and pigments.

Model:PVA 1099

Tuotteen kuvaus

PVA 1099

Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) is a water soluble and biodegradable synthetic polymer. It is a dry solid, and is available in granule and powdered forms. Grades include both fully hydrolyzed and partially hydrolyzed. PVA is an excellent adhesive with superior bonding strength, film forming and emulsifying properties. The film of PVA exhibits outstanding resistance to oil, grease and solvents. In addition to its film forming property, it has excellent adhesion to both hydrophilic and hydrophobic materials. PVA has been extensively used in textile industry for warp sizing and resin finishing; in paper industry for surface sizing and pigment coating; in the production of PVAc emulsion as protective colloid; in the suspension polymerization of PVC as a dispersion agent; as binder for ceramics, magnet, foundry cores and pigments.


Tuotteen ominaisuus:

Täysin hydrolysoitu.

Low viscosity.

Säädä hiukkaskoko todellisen tarpeen mukaan.


Vastaavat arvosanat:

Kuraray PVA-110

Kuraray Mowiol 4-98

Kuraray Mowiol 6-98


Sekisui Selvol 310 – Celanese



Tuotteen parametri (erittely)

Kohde PVA 1099
Hydrolyysi (mooli %) 98.0 ~ 99.9
Viscosity mpa.s 8.0 ~ 12.0
Haihtuvat (wt%) ≤ 5.0
Tuhka (wt%) ≤ 0.5
pH-arvo 5 ~ 7
Puhtaus (%) ≥ 91.5
Hiukkaskoko 10 ~ 80 mesh



1. Warp Sizing Agent for cotton or rayonspun yarn in textile Industry.

2. Paper industry for Pigment binding.

3. Protective colloid for PVAc emulsion.


Pakkaus: Voimapaperipakkaus, jossa on muovikalvo sisällä, 20 kg / 25 kg per pussi tai kudottu pussi 500 kg per pussi.


Varastointi: Tuotteet on varastoitava sisätiloissa, joissa huoneen lämpötila on 5-30 ℃, kuivassa ja hyvin tuuletetussa paikassa, varastointi erissä. Pidä poissa virrasta, estä kosteus ja vältä auringolle altistumista. On ehdottomasti kiellettyä varastoida yhdessä haihtuvien kemikaalien kanssa adsorption heikkenemisen estämiseksi.


Kuljetus: Kuljetettaessa tarvitaan puhtaita ajoneuvoja, ja niiden on kiinnitettävä huomiota kosteuden, sateen ja auringonsuojan välttämiseen. Käsittele varovasti pakkauksen vaurioitumisen estämiseksi. On ehdottomasti kiellettyä säilyttää yhdessä haihtuvien kemikaalien kanssa adsorption heikkenemisen estämiseksi.



1. Quality guarantee: Quality is strictly meet with contract requirement.

2. Technical support: Any technical question will be solved within 24 hours by email or telephone.

3. Prompt delivery: The order will be prompt delivered within 25 days.

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